Proctored Online virtual classroom lessons elearning on zoom, google meet, ms teams, bigbluebutton - ProctorStone - Online Proctoring Solution

Proctored Virtual Classroom

ProctorStone's features ensure you and your students get the best benefit of online lessons.

Especially, Screen Monitoring and Browserlock are the best solutions to deter them from chatting or doing anything else that can be a distraction and cause them to go out of scope during online classes on Zoom, Google Meet, BigBlueButton, or Microsoft Teams.

ProctorStone can be used for the exams created by Google Classroom over Google Forms. 


Ensure the quality of your education.

Education is a two-way activity and consists of teaching and learning. Learning should not be left at the mercy of the student. ProctorStone is not only for online exams but also for online classes that need to be proctored to ensure the quality of the education.


Highlights for Schools

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Proctor Stone developed and configured as platform and browser-independent to work seamlessly on all devices.

No installation required - id verification - ProctorStone - Online Exam Security - Proctoring

No Installation Required

To use the application on any device, no installation is required. Any of your students can use it without additional effort or knowledge

Screen Monitoring

The student's screen/browser is being monitored during the online session to track all activities, mouse movements, screen sharing on Zoom, Google Meet, etc.

External Screen Detecting - ProctorStone - Online Proctoring

External TV/Screen Detection

Sharing the screen via HDMI connection with another TV or screen is also detected and reported.

Easy integration - id verification - ProctorStone - Online Exam Security - Proctoring

No Integration

Our proctoring solution directly works with any online meeting platforms such as Zoom, Google Meet, MS Teams, or BigBlueButton. No integration is required.

Respect Privacy - GDPR Compliant - id verification - ProctorStone - Online Exam Security - Proctoring

Respects Privacy

We care about and respect the importance of personal data security and privacy. ProctorStone does NOT collect any information more than needed in terms of e-learning.

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